Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Difference between Organization, Internal Division, Account and Partner in Siebel

What is the difference between Organization, Internal Division, Account and Partner in Siebel?


An organization (in Siebel terminology) is a business unit within an company, enterprise or organization. Organizations represents the broadest divisions of the company. An organization controls the data access of the employees that are assigned to it. Organizations can be internal, or they can be external (in the case of Siebel PRM).

In Siebel technical terms, an organization is that which satisfies the below 2 conditions:

2. Has an associated S_BU record.

E.g. Default Organization

select int_org_flg from siebel.s_org_ext where name = 'Default Organization';
select * from siebel.s_bu where name = 'Default Organization';

Internal Division:

Divisions are used to create organization structure and to link positions to that organization structure. Divisions belong to organizations and have no direct effect on visibility

In technical terms, an internal division satisfies below 2 conditions:

2. Does not have associated S_BU record.


select int_org_flg from siebel.s_org_ext where name = 'INTERNAL';


An account is any external organization with which your company does business. It negotiates agreements, receives service and bills, and raises trouble tickets. An account is usually the central entity of a Siebel CRM implementation. It may also represent a current or potential client, a business partner, or a competitor.

An Account satisfies the below conditions:

2. Obviously it does not have associated S_BU record.

E.g. ABC Corp

select int_org_flg from siebel.s_org_ext where name = 'ABC Corp';


A partner organization is generally a channel or alliance partners, distributors, resellers, agents, brokers, or dealers of the brand owner company.

A Partner satisfies 2 conditions:

2. No associated S_BU record.

E.g. Helix Services

select int_org_flg, prtnr_flg from siebel.s_org_ext where name = 'Helix Services';

To summarize:

Mohammed Arif

Monday, May 18, 2015

Error SBL-EIM-00306, in "ifb_name.ifb" line 63: Invalid token for right-hand side.

Error SBL-EIM-00306, in "ifb_name.ifb" line 63: Invalid token for right-hand side.

This error is one of the rare-coming errors for experienced professional but common for beginners as the cause is so tuned that is difficult to identify.

Well, with the error description itself it is clear that something is wrong/incorrect in the configuration file. Lets discuss the problem, cause and solution for this.


Error encountered on UI when the EIM is run "SBL-EIM-00204: Invalid configuration file (ifb) name". This is a very generic error which may not give you a hint about the actual error. So when you dig the log you may find "Error SBL-EIM-00306, in "ifb_name.ifb" line 63: Invalid token for right-hand side."


The actual cause of this error might be more than one or may be altogether different at different times. The one that i found out (in my case) was a space after the DEFAULT COLUMN parameter. Below was the cause:

DEFAULT COLUMN = ADMIN_ADJ_FLG, "N"   <-- space after statement ends


So the simple solution here is to double check for any space after any statement in the ifb, particularly the Default column parameter. The space after this parameter is treated as a token which is not recognized by the EIM engine which reads the configuration file before starting the actual load. The right hand side means that the cause is after "=" sign which is treated as right hand side whereas Default Column is treated as left hand side.

Keep reading...

Mohammed Arif