Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 – What’s New?


  1. Siebel Business Applications use Siebel Open UI. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, the high interactivity and standard interactivity clients are no longer supported. After you migrate to the current release, applications previously deployed using high interactivity now automatically use Siebel Open UI. It is no longer necessary or possible to explicitly enable Siebel Open UI. Server parameters that previously applied only to high interactivity or standard interactivity no longer apply. New customer applications for Siebel Open UI take the place of some of the de-supported standard interactivity applications.
  2. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Siebel Business Applications use Siebel Open UI exclusively.
  3. Siebel Handheld and Siebel Wireless applications are no longer supported.
  4. The local database for Siebel Mobile Web Client uses Oracle Database XE.
  5. Platform: The parameter UseANSIControlsForCP is obsolete
  6. Database collation for the Siebel Mobile Web Client, for which the local database uses Oracle Database XE, is the same as for Oracle Database.
  7. Java is no longer used in the browser to support functions in Siebel Business Applications.
  8. Oracle does not support new Siebel CRM deployments that do not use UTC.
  1. Certain directories have been moved, consolidated, or eliminated in Siebel Server, Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), and Siebel Mobile Web Client installations. For example, the webmaster directory is no longer part of the Siebel Server installation. The files and subdirectories previously installed in this location are installed only in the public directory in the SWSE installation.
  2. Siebel Business Applications no longer include Siebel Handheld applications.
  3. For migration installations of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, some manual migration tasks are required on the Siebel Server, the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), Siebel Web Client, and Siebel Tools, due to product changes such as directory restructuring. The virtual directories now map to public on the SWSE instead of language directories like public\ENU. The Siebel Enterprise Security Token is no longer applicable. You must reconfigure the SWSE after installing. Additional requirements apply.
  4. Added anonymous user settings for the Siebel REST Server, which is the instance of Apache Tomcat that was installed with the Siebel Server. The Tomcat Proxy Object Manager component in the EAI component group is also new in this release. See also Siebel REST API Guide.
  5. The license keys previously provided in seed data are inactive. A new utility is provided for activating or deactivating license keys.
  6. Support for CalDAV and CardDAV is enhanced. Customers must configure the Web server to enable this functionality.
  7. For Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, updated Siebel Repository Files (SRF files) are provided with the release.
  8. In Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Oracle Database XE is used for the local database or sample database for Siebel Web Client or for the local database for Siebel Tools. SAP SQL Anywhere is no longer available.
  9. Siebel Tools supports a new feature called workspaces, which provides a new way to manage the configuration of repository artifacts in Siebel Tools. This feature allows multiple developers to work against the same repository objects in the Siebel database.
  10. Customers can install Desktop Integration Siebel Agent on user computers. This new software module enables users to use certain application features that formerly were based on Java applets.
  11. Customers can install Outlook to Siebel Drag and Drop on user computers. This new add-in for Microsoft Outlook enables users to drag and drop emails and attachments into Siebel Business Applications.
  12. Siebel QuickStart is no longer supported for the Siebel Mobile Web Client. The AutoStopDB configuration parameter also no longer applies.
  13. jQuery Charts is enabled for charting functionality. Siebel Charts Server (Visual Mining NetCharts) is no longer provided.
  14. As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, the value of the Siebel File System parameter cannot exceed 2048 characters.
  15. Changed software version references to Siebel CRM version 16.0, which is also known as Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
CTI Related:
  1. A separately installed client module, Desktop Integration Siebel Agent (DISA), is used to obtain the local computer's host name for hoteling purposes. It is recommended to install Desktop Integration Siebel Agent on each agent computer that will be used for hoteling.
  2. The display and configuration of icons in the communications toolbar are now more consistent with Siebel Open UI. Toolbar icons are now specified in cascading style sheet (CSS) files. Image files and icon files for interactive drivers no longer apply. The MultiActiveCmdIcon communications command is now obsolete.
  3. Docking options for the communications panel have changed.
  4. Updated description of Bring Siebel to Front user preference, which is now integrated with the Web notifications feature that is supported by many browsers
  5. Due to the evolution of browsers away from supporting Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI), as of Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, Java is no longer used to support hoteling, the communications toolbar, or other functions in Siebel Business Applications.
  6. The Virtual CTI Driver (for Oracle Contact On Demand) is no longer supported.
Security Related:
  1. You must enable TLS for Web applications, such as Oracle BI Publisher, running on Oracle WebLogic server.
System Administration Related:
  1. Added the Tomcat Proxy Object Manager, a new component in the EAI component group
  2. Siebel server component changes:
  3. Removed the component group MWC Real Time Sync (RTSRemote) and all of its components
  4. Removed the component SMQ Receiver (SMQReceiver) from the EAI component group
  5. Removed the component Siebel Mobile Connector Object Manager (SMCObjMgr) from the Sales component group
  6. Removed the component group Siebel Wireless (Wireless) and all of its components
  7. Removed the Object Manager components for Siebel Handheld from the component groups HandheldSync and HandheldSyncSIS
  8. Removed the component eService Object Manager (eServiceObjMgr) from the CallCenter component group
  9. Enterprise server component changes:
    • Added the parameter EnableComposer. This parameter replaces the obsolete parameter EnableResponsive
    • Removed the obsolete parameters EnableCDA, EnableEmailClientAutomation, EnableOpenUI, EnableResponsive, EnableSIBusyCursor, EnableSIDataLossWarning, EnableWebClientAutomation, HighInteractivity, JREDownloadUrl, ListRowStyle, MarkupLanguage, and SiebEntSecToken
    • Added new parameters SessionTimeoutWLCommand and SessionTimeoutWLMethod to the [defaults] section of eapps.cfg file
    • Configuration parameter changes:
    • Removed the parameter DefaultChartFont from the [Siebel] section
    • Removed the parameter EnableResponsive from the [InfraUIFramework] section
    • Removed the parameter ExtendedKeyboard from the [InfraUIFramework] section
    • Removed the parameters LotusForm and OutlookForm from the [Email] section
    • Removed the parameter ViewPreloadSize from the [InfraUIFramework] section and all of the parameters in the [Preload] section
    • Data source parameter changes:
    • Removed the AutoStartDB parameter, which is no longer applicable
    • Updated the description of the ConnectString parameter
    • Updated the description of the FileSystem parameter
    • Removed the SortCollation parameter
    • Updated the description of the SqlStyle parameter
Configuration/Open UI/Siebel Tools:
  1. Chart applet not supported
  2. Developers MUST now use Oracle Database XE for the local database for Siebel Tools.
  3. Siebel online help does not support context sensitivity
  4. New preferences added that affect Open UI appearance and behavior
  5. Configuring Siebel Charts with a Third-Party JavaScript Chart Library has now become obsolete
  6. New Workspace feature in Siebel tools
Partner Application (PRM):
  1. Shopping cart transfer is not supported
  2. Siebel Agent Portal, Siebel PRM for Finance, Siebel Healthcare Provider Portal, Siebel Group Portal, Siebel PRM for Communications, Media, and Energy, and Siebel PRM for Consumer Goods are now not supported
  3. Partner alerts, Using Siebel Briefings, Content Services, and Content Broker not supported now
Siebel Search support:
  1. Siebel Find is available by default
  2. The integration of third-party search engines must be set up and configured if required
  3. Oracle Secure Enterprise Search integration must be configured if required
  4. A basic search operation, an advanced find operation, and an OSES advanced search operation in Siebel Search
  5. Configuring Siebel Search for third-party search engines
  6. Configuring the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search engine for the Search Results view
  7. Clearing attachments from the Shared Search UNC Location
Siebel Remote and Replication Manager:
  1. Siebel Store and Forward Messaging are no longer supported
  2. DbinitLocalSource parameter (used for Extracting a Database to a CD-ROM or Other Portable Media) is obsolete now

Keep Reading
Mohammed Arif

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